Jun 07, 2007I have a ps1 save and the I made a thread how to convert. gme files from GameFaqs into PSP playable PSX hopefully i dont have to start my games. Jan 14, 2009is there a Save Data converter that allows you to convert PS1 save data to make it a PSP save data compatible? cause i dl a PS1 save data at gamefaqs. Sep 24, 2012Hi, i've seen many threads asking how to convert their pc psx emulator saves for use on the psp's psx emulator, but I recently sold my psp and have save. Mar 11, 2009Start the game of the region you want to convert from, load your save game and save I need a psp psx save file converter. For PlayStation Portable on the PSP, a GameFAQs Answers question titled How can you convert PSOne PS3PSOne saves to play on a PSP. Ps1 to psp game save converter. Memory card to a format that the psp psx version of the same game. Then convert it to a psxe game save. 6, Transfer Saves from the PSP to the PC; Blogging Games Is there any way to convert (or use) a PSX save file on a PSP. Download PSX2PSP v (Convert PSX games to PSP) Playstation Portable (PSP) Homebrew @ The Iso Zone The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource Jul 05, 2012[SOLVEDPSX savegames from Memory Card to PSP; you can slap in your PS1 memory card and copy your FF9 save games This tutorial is to convert PSX saves games. With PSP Converter you can convert any video or audio file to the Sony PlayStation Portable format, including PS Vita, older PSP consoles, and PS3. Feb 01, 2010Guide to: Converting PS1 games for PSP. This step's pretty easy as well, now we've customised the eboot we can convert and save it for use in our PSP. Jul 26, 2005ok ive got a couple of PSX game save fro final fantasy 7 and i want to use them for the official version of FF7 that i bought on the PSN for my PSP. Nov 19, 2008is there a way to convert a psp file(i have a. pbp extension file) to a psx file to play the game on pc? tnx Ps1 to psp game save converter. how to transfer ps1 saves from the psp to. It can also help in taking saves from. For Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled Convert ps1 saves to psv's please. I've been hunting for some PS1 game saves as my PS1 memory cards died. GameFAQs has many more saves listed for the Original PS1 save format rather than the PSV format. Game Playing PlayStation2 PlayStation format software Using saved data on a PSP system. Select the save destination to copy to. Hi i will show you how to make PS1 games work on a PSP. Second find a PS1 game from the Apr 19, 2012Hay everyone, talesfan here and i was wondering about if it is possible to convert a PSX save that was converted to PSP format back to PSX save format. Jul 12, 2013[TUTO Convert PSX PS1 ISO to PSP Eboot How to Convert PSX Games to Play on the PSP using PSX2PSP v. PlayStation 2 Memory Card File System; PS2 AR Max save format; PS2 Icon format v0. 5; PS2 save game format for EMS adapter (. if you have the game on pspps3 why dont PSX Saves GME to PSV conversion? May 28, 2012Is there a way to convert a saved game from a PSOne memory card to a format that the PSPPSX version of the same game can read? I have been playing Download PSX Save Editor And PSX Raw Converter Tools the Single game save, we need to convert the Sony Playstation Single game to copy PS1 Save. Jul 23, 2015 I can convert saves from PS1PS2 PS1PS2 emulator to PS3PSPPS Vita (and viceversa) save conversion Stick and go to PSPSAVEDATAyour ps1 game id. This is a simple TutorialGuide that teaches you how to Convert PSX games to PSP. 1The ISOBINIMG of the game you want to convert. Find great deals on eBay for ps2 to psp converter. Ultimate Singstar Bundle 9 NEW Games w 2 Mics, Converter Sony PlayStation 2 Save ps2 to psp converter to. Apr 11, 2008I'm trying to convert a game save saved from a PSX game on my Psp into a regular PSX game save. The reason why is because, i have Final Fantasy VIII Nov 21, 2007I show you how to convert a PSX (PS1) game to a Eboot for the PSP, so you can play the games on a PSP. Through this tutorial, I will explain how to convert your games save files from a region to another one and make it compatible with the respective game.