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The RSMeans data eBook is an exact copy of the printed cost books in a searchable, electronic DRM protected file. This format is best suited for accessing the data on your laptop, tablet or smartphone while out in the field without access to internet. User login; Request new password We are the worlds leading provider of construction cost data, software, and services for all phases of the construction lifecycle. RSMeans Building Construction Cost Data 2016 [RSMeans Engineering Staff, Stephen C Plotner on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. RSMeans cost data was used to benchmark the time and cost for erecting conventionally framed stud walls, roofs, and dormers using. Latest 2017 RS Means Cost Data. In Stock, Fast Delivery, Order Now. ProEst software offers easytouse RS Means Data tools that give you an advantage over your competitors. It includes material and labor costs and more. Online Estimating with RSMeans Data. Construction Cost Estimates Made Easy. 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Cojfigbt 2013 by RMeans A dNisiOA of Rttd Construethn D. o53l ISBN The authes, editoiS, and engjnoeiS of RSMeans apply lilinee and judgmant in locating and using reliabla sources fOf the infofmation published. We are the worlds leading provider of construction cost data, software, and