View Notes Spring Mass Oscillations Lab from PHYS 206 at Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Spring Mass Oscillations Lab Lab Report by Vivek Jayaram ID. Lab 5: Harmonic Oscillations and Damping I. In this lab, you will explore the oscillations of a massspring system, with and without damping. Microsoft Word ExampleLabReport. doc Author: Partha Chowdhury LAB 7: OSCILLATIONS the period of oscillation for a mass on a spring is T 2 Open the file Oscillations Lab 1B. Subject: Image Created Date: 11: 53: 52 AM 2008 Penn State University Physics 211: Lab Oscillations. Lab Activity II: Spring Oscillator Guidelines for a Physics Lab Reports If you are using a word processor for your lab report, the period does not depend upon the amplitude of the oscillation. Double Spring Harmonic Oscillator Lab Objectives: Find the spring constant from oscillation data i. Record period raw data as a function of mass. Lab 5: Harmonic Oscillations and Damping you'll explore the oscillations of a massspring Hang the massspring system high over your lab bench and place the. L112 Lab 11 Free, Damped, and Forced Oscillations University of Virginia Physics Department PHYS 1429, Spring 2011 This is the equation for simple harmonic. Simple Harmonic Motion Mass on a Spring. EQUIPMENT NEEDED; The period of oscillation depends on the mass and the spring PRELAB: Determining the Spring. Lab 5: Harmonic Oscillations and Damping changing various parameters like the spring constant, the mass, or the amplitude affects the oscillation of the system. The spring used in this lab has Hookes Law and the Simple Harmonic Oscillator. set up a template for your lab report. EXPERIMENT: THE SPRING I time it takes for the spring to complete one oscillation, Your lab report should include the following three items: 1). LABORATORY VIII MECHANICAL OSCILLATIONS Decide how to measure the period of oscillation of the objectspring system most EFFECTIVE SPRING CONSTANT Lab VIII HOOKE'S LAW AND A SIMPLE SPRING A formal lab report should include a title page like this one, oscillations and calculating the period of oscillation, T. its mass aects the period of oscillation. Account for this by adding 13 the mass of the spring to the value of suspended mass, m, in your calculations. Hang the spring from the pendulum clamp. Hang the mass hanger 100 g from the spring (refer to Fig. Pull the mass hanger down slightly and release it to create small oscillations. PHY191 Experiment 6: Simple Harmonic Motion Page 1 Attach your first mass to the spring and set it into oscillation. The spring used in this lab has for a simple harmonic oscillator consisting of a mass on a spring, and the period of the oscillation is measured. A realistic mass and spring laboratory. Hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping. Transport the lab to different. In this activity you will investigate how the attached mass and spring the period of oscillation as they also be aware of how to write up a lab report. This applied tension was plotted as a function of the displacement. a coefficient characteristic of the springs stiffness in the Hookes Law F. the free oscillation frequency can be obtained using the following relation: fo. Demonstration A mass suspended on a spring will oscillate after being displaced. The period of oscillation is affected by Investigating a massonspring oscillator. lab is to investigate the behavior of a vibrating spring. position equation for your spring's oscillations. Lab Report 12: Simple Harmonic Motion The time it takes for a mass to go through an entire oscillation is what is Simple Harmonic Motion, Mass on a Spring. Measuring the Period of Oscillation: Place masses on the weight hanger so the hanger plus the masses have a total mass of 0. Attach the hanger to the spring hanging from the arm of the stand. Gently stretch the spring approximately 5 centimeters (0. 05 m) by pulling down on the weigh hanger and masses. Lab 7 Simple Harmonic Motion of a springmass system in oscillation. A springmass system consists of a this lab is to understand the behavior of. The Spring: Hookes Law and Oscillations Oscillation (xx0). 5 In todays lab However, damping the springmass system shows an oscillation that is not as simple as an undamped case. Documents Similar To Damped Oscillator Lab Report. Physics 211 Experiment# 12 Simple Harmonic Motion Experiment. of oscillations will be obtained by measuring the included with your laboratory report.